British Primary School in Dubai
Your child deserves the best in life. The quality of your child’s foundation, primary and secondary school years is integral in setting up your child’s academic journey and holistic growth in the right direction.
At the Aquila School, we ensure that our curriculum, methods of teaching and creativity are all aligned to provide a strong and fun learning experience for our children.
A British Primary School in Dubai renowned for its excellence in education
The curriculum followed in Years 1 to 6 is based on the National Curriculum for England, adapted by our staff to have a global dimension and to be relevant to children living here in the UAE.
The core of the curriculum is set but teachers are empowered to group areas of learning together to create topics that are of interest and of relevance to children in their class.
We also value cross-curricular learning so that children make links between different subjects.
In addition, we pay equal status to the teaching of Arabic, Islamic, UAE social studies and moral, social and cultural studies which make up the local Ministry of Education curriculum.

Regardless of the age of a child and their previous experiences our skillful teachers ensure every child learns what they need to learn right now.
Maintaining students' interest through engaging lessons
- Pupils at The Aquila School are encouraged to be inquisitive, reflective, and analytical. These skills are all critical skills for thinking and learning.
- As a school, we do not use textbooks and worksheets, as these often have pre-determined learning material which can inhibit progress.
This enables lessons to be creative, engaging, relevant, and exciting, whilst all linked to our pupils’ interests. - Our pupils’ passions and interests are cascaded throughout our curriculum and ensure maximum engagement through activities, project works and through the teachers ensuring lessons are as active, engaging and relevant as possible.
British Primary school subjects
Spanish (from Year 3 up)
Islamic studies (for our Muslim pupils)
Art and design
Design and technology (including food technology)
Physical education
Moral, social and cultural studies
Beyond the Classroom
As a top primary school in Dubai, The Aquila School children are provided with many opportunities to develop and thrive. Learning is not limited to the classroom, but can also take place outdoors or through an educational visit, or a community service project. Lessons are lively, fun and challenging, and provide children with many opportunities to think critically and independently.
Social and Emotional Development
In addition to the British curriculum, our school values, ethos and teaching approaches encourage children to develop collaborative enquiry skills, and understand that they are important individuals who can make a positive difference to the lives of others. Our aim is to promote curiosity, to encourage children to ask questions, and to teach them to use their skills and knowledge confidently in real-life situations.