Clinic, Health & Nutrition
The Aquila School's Health Centre is well-equipped and staffed with two nurses and a doctor. It is located on the ground floor, near the prayer rooms, and provides quality medical care to our pupils and staff.
The clinic features a waiting area, observation beds, and medical equipment of the highest standards, including a defibrillator.
One of our team is always present during the school day to administer first aid as and when required or during after-school fixtures.
If pupils are unwell while at school, they will be cared for at the clinic until they can be collected by a family member.
We do not allow pupils to go home on their own on medical grounds.
Our health services are in line with the KHDA, the Dubai Health Authority School Health Guidelines, and The Aquila School's policies.
The clinic offers to pupils and families tips and advice on general health, healthy lunchboxes and snacks, injury prevention, immunity boosting, and staying fit. We also conduct routine height and weight measurements, eye testing and dental screening, as well as hold blood donation drives.
Please ensure our clinic has a copy of your child's most up-to-date vaccination records and that you inform them of any allergies your child has, before their first day with us.
For EYFS and Primary, we operate a 'no hat - no play' policy and recommend to families that they send their child to school wearing suncream. We have water dispensers throughout the campus to encourage all our pupils to drink plenty of water during the day. Pupils should bring a reusable water bottle to school and they are not permitted to bring glass containers/bottles.

We are a pork and nut free school (including all nut butters, peanut butter and nutella).
- The Aquila School follows the guidelines set by the Healthy Eating Initiative and we ask families to refrain from letting their children bring any fizzy/soft drinks, sweets/candies, chewing gum, chocolates, or coffee - incuding energy drinks. Fast food is also not permitted - delivered or brought into school.
- Our school works in partnership with MasterCook to provide healthy and balanced school lunches. For secondary pupils, this includes break and lunchtime service. We have a canteen in our new building, which will allow all pupils to access a range of hot and cold meals.
We are a pork and nut free school (including all nut butters, peanut butter and nutella).
- The Aquila School follows the guidelines set by the Healthy Eating Initiative and we ask families to refrain from letting their children bring any fizzy/soft drinks, sweets/candies, chewing gum, chocolates, or coffee - incuding energy drinks. Fast food is also not permitted - delivered or brought into school.
- Our school works in partnership with MasterCook to provide healthy and balanced school lunches. For secondary pupils, this includes break and lunchtime service. We have a canteen in our new building, which will allow all pupils to access a range of hot and cold meals.